Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Dale De Armond

You know how when you look back at your childhood maybe a few adults who influenced you stand out? Today I learned that one women who had a great impact on me as a child has died, which made me sad---even thought she was 85, and had a good life.

I am sorry and sad to learn that the well known Alaska artist Dale DeArmond has died--she was in important part of my life growing up in Juneau, Alaska. I spent a great deal of my childhood in the wonderful refuge (to me) of the Juneau library--which she, as the small town librarian, presided over like the "book Queen" (or so I imagined her)---she fed me books---and since books were one of the saving graces in my young life---she helped to shape me as I grew up. Thanks to her, I read every single Oz book by F. Baum, and Little Women, The Wind in the Willows, The Secret Garden, the Diary of Ann Frank, all the M. Henry Horse books, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, Mrs, Piggle-wiggle, all of the Anne of Green Gables books, all of the Laura Ingalls Wilder series....I could go on and on--and you see--I have not forgotten these books or the experience of walking into the library--returning some books and having a few more books suggested to me by the "library queen lady".

I was a budding teen artist the first time I saw one of Dale's woodcuts, and discovered the artist was the librarian! her prints inspired me to take my first printmaking class at the University of Ak (Fairbanks) when I was just 18---I have since not only become a bookseller ( a lifelong bibliophile, thanks to Dale), but an artist (for awhile I owned my own printmaking studio). I have to say--Thanks, Dale---for all you showed me, and goodbye....and Goddess Bless.

Here are a few of her woodcuts--she produced 100's over her lifetime, so this is just a small sampling...her woodcuts have been reproduced in quite few books including: DALE DE ARMOND, A FIRST BOOK COLLECTION OF HER PRINTS, if you want to see more.


  1. Anonymous8:31 PM

    mom...i never knew this about your is amazing how much of her art reminds me of yours...did you ever thank her in person or writing for such a haven away from dark places in your childhood?
    love ya~

  2. Anonymous7:23 PM

    This is wicked cool art. Thanks for sharing!! I love it, especially the owl and the ravens. I did a beaded owl...have you seen it?? :)

  3. Anonymous11:53 PM

    Dale was 92 when she died, not 85.

  4. Anonymous8:21 AM

    Hi -

    It was so nice learning more about Dale De Armond, her artwork, & her love of books, & how she influenced you & helped you through your childhood. Thanks! A Vermonter

  5. Thanks, Aurora,
    Dale was such a strong presence, and I love having some of her art around me now. Mom loved working with her as well. She certainly is living in every corner of the world now.
    Love you,

  6. Anonymous7:03 PM

    Thank you for sharing your memories of Dale De Armond. When I visited Alaska decades ago, I saw her prints and immediately loved them. I bought three: Ice Fishing (woman ice fishing), Whale Hunt (men in boat surrounded by whale and fish) and Water World (egret or heron surrounded by fish). They have happily been on my walls from the minute I returned from my trip. They will constantly bring back wonderful memories of a beautiful state, friendly people and a wonderful artist.
