Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Round n' Round on the Needles

Socks on the needles!

My solution to my (bad) habit of only knitting one sock, and never quite getting around to knitting the second one--is to buy 2 sets of needles and knit one sock this far--then cast on the second sock and knit it this far---working on both of them at once--as one project. This pair is my night time knitting project right now.....I haven't knit anything on tiny (size 2!) needles like this in ages, but the sock is progressing faster than I expected. The yarns are a nice mix of washable wools & some scraps of Angora.

Cool vintage knitting "basket" --- this one folds up, so I can easily pick it up and carry it around...I was lucky to inherit this from a family member (thanks Flora!).


  1. Anonymous2:45 PM

    I love both the knitting basket (I used to have one, wonder what happened to it?) and the yarn in those socks! Do tell what yarn is that?

  2. I like the sock, except upon first glance I thought it was a small bag. Mostly this is because although I knit, I've never done socks. I find your organization of this project (two socks at once) intriguing.
