Today I stumbled across this great website --microRevolt--- with a great tool for crafters. "KnitPro is a web application that translates digital images into knit, crochet, needlepoint and cross-stitch patterns. Just upload jpeg, gif, or png images of whatever you wish---and it will generate the image pattern on a grid sizable for any fiber project. knitPro is based on the tradition of pre-industrial craft circles who freely shared patterns and passed them down from generation to generation." I tried this out--and it generated a good grid of my image---wow! this is a versatile tool for many craft applications.Crochet or knit for the victims and families of the Virginia Tech tragedy.
- A local yarn shop, University City Blvd. Blacksburg, has posted a call for donations of knitted or crocheted squares to make blankets for the victims and families of the Virginia Tech tragedy. Check out the particulars at the Mosaic Yarn Shop's blog.
For me, this is one tangible way to promote healing--knitting a square or 2 with love and kindness in each stitch. I need another project like I need a hole in my head--but I cannot resist this call--I will be posting my finished square here in a few days.
QUOTE FOR THE DAY: " The only place where housework comes before needlework is in the dictionary. " ~Mary Kurtz
And today's poem (don't ask me how this relates;-)
Truth Serum
Art Every Day Month 2024
4 months ago
1 comment:
I couldn't find the relationship between the poem and knitting either, but it was a neat kind of poem. Like it very much.
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