Monday, May 21, 2007

One Square at a Time

This 8" x 8" crocheted square I created in about 21/2 hours this morning is now flying off via the USPO to join the over 500 squares already sent to the Mosaic Yarn Shop in Blacksburg, Virginia. A few weeks ago I blogged about this yarn shop's request for donations of knitted or crocheted squares to make blankets for the victims and families of the Virginia Tech tragedy. (The post is still here--just scroll down.) Already they have received over 500 knitted and crocheted squares--you can go here to their blog for an update and some nice photos of some of the squares.

While making this square I thought about the communal process involved, and how the Internet has aided and changed the concept of a "friendship quilt" or friendship afghan, or blanket. When I was young(er), we made this type of group comfort blanket or quilt together in our local community for people who had an illness or needed comfort--and we made "friendship" quilts to honor births, weddings, and graduations. Now many many quilters, knitters, beaders, and crocheters are making squares for folks who may have experienced a tragedy (victims of Katrina, Virginia Tech shooting, etc. ) who they have never met, or for breast cancer research--all facilitated by connecting through the internet.

I find this a remarkable and positive sign that we can--as humanity--also solve larger problems we face (wars, the environment, national health issues, just to name a few examples) if we just learn to work together; I think politicians could learn something from knitters and crocheters about co-operation and helping others in need. Yes, I know--this sounds naive...but what we are currently doing is not working very well--is it? Just put us knitters together in the Congressional Halls for 3 weeks--all the national messes would be solved ( I kid you not!).

I am grateful that I had the opportunity to do something for these families--I am a firm believer that every little positive thing we do helps---and applaud the Mosaic Yarn Shop for taking on such a big endeavor.

Quote for the day: "Do all you can with what you have, in the time you have, in the place you are." ---Nkosi Johnson
Twelve-year-old Zulu boy, living with AIDS

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