Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Oh-so-close Socks

getting very close to finished---toes (and some foot) to go...
these socks are for me ! (big smile)should be done in time for colder winter weather. In case you are wondering--I always knit both socks at once--so I'm not caught by the only-finish-one and the-next-sock-is-so boring syndrome.

TODAY'S QUOTE: "Large tasks are completed in a series of starts." --Neil Fiore


  1. What fun socks. I have a kit that I've had for about 6 years now, and one day I'll finish them, I hope!

  2. Anonymous7:08 AM

    Wow, they look fantastic.

  3. Anonymous7:53 PM

    Absolutely gorgeous socks. I started a pair of socks once! When I join a knitters' circle and have someone to help me, I might one day try again. Are these from the book Sock Hop?

  4. I got the pattern for these socks from a yarn store--they were simple socks plain colored--I made up the fair isle type designs myself as I went along--notice they don"t really match ? I did that on purpose...the Yarn Harlot has a good sock pattern in her book KNITTING RULES!which I like...

  5. Look at your quote for the day! That's what you need to do if you really want to do a bead journal. Just break it down into small bits (knit a row, bead a row, sew a row...) I am trying to encourage you, not bug you so that's the last I'll say on the subject. ;-)
