Sunday, December 30, 2007

As the blog turns....

As we enter a NEW YEAR-2008---I want to take a moment to acknowledge all you folks who leave friendly comments on my blog. The day before Christmas, (Dec 24th, 2007) I had the 10,000th blog visitor ! I have been keeping this blog now for almost 2 years ( second blog anniversary is Feb 2)---and I am just astounded that in that time over 10,000 folks have visited my blog. The blog readership has been growing monthly in the past year, also. This says to me something about the power of the crafty blogging community and the way the internet lets us all connect with each other.

So a shout out and thank you to these visitors to my blog who left comments in 2007 (with a grateful nod to Patti @ 37 Days blog, who gave me this idea).
Thanks to : Jafabrit, Dawn, Mary, Felicia, Kesia, Oldie, Carol, Lisa, Dawn, Lorraine, Mimi, Dee, Betty, Beate, Gunnel, sharonb, The Lone Beader, Susan, Tamara, Daisy, Libby, Nahani, Jessica, Kate, Joyce, Jennifer, Martha, freebird, Paula, Lynn, BetteJo, Kiki, Twig, Beadbabe, Stefany, Beth, Robin, Bejeweled, Lillian, Kathy, Debra, catnapping, Ulan, Kiwi Ellen, Susan, Jana, Rosemary, Brigita, Hannah, Maria, Acey, Kelly, Heather, Karrie, Summer, Carla, Lee, Jenny, Twila, Jamie, Cynthia

Your comments are the positive re-enforcement I need, so I keep posting on this blog. The comments are what let me know that someone is reading my blog and I am so pleased to become acquainted with so many of you through your comments and e-mails. Interesting (to me, anyway) the post this year that received the most comments in 2007 was my tribute to an old friend who died-- Marvel.

Today's Quote:
"Sometimes our light goes. but is blown again into instant flame by an encounter with another human being. Each of us owes the deepest thanks to those who have rekindled this inner light."---Albert Schweitzer


  1. Anonymous2:42 AM

    Hi. Let me be the first to leave a comment on your "comments" post. Maybe we could get together for coffee or tea in the new year. I meet so many people throughout the world via blogging, but so few of them are local.


  2. I would like to thank you for hosting a great blog full of inspiration and ideas and full of heart. I have enjoyed reading your blog since I stumbled upon it and have appreciated your comments on mine as well. Have a happy, healthy 2008!

    [love the quote for today, just wonderful]

  3. thannkyou :) and all the best for the new year

  4. Hi Beth--we met once at the Temescal farmer's market? I would love to get together sometime--you can e-mail me:
    aurora at morningstarbooks dot com

    and hi Dawn! thanks for the compliment-I am pleased you like my blog.Your Festivus You Tube post sure made me laugh ( and I needed a laugh that day)

    one thing I noticed in going back thru my 2007 posts and the comments-- I started out the year replying more to comments, then I got lazy (?) and replied less--so this year I'm going to make that effort to reply to comments--when appropriate.

  5. Happy new year to you! You're right, comments are so wonderful to receive. Blogging is so rewarding.

  6. Thanks for mentioning me, but I prefer to remain anonymous. Happy New Year from Boston=:)

  7. I love the way you did this. I've been mostly gone from Bloglandia this last week and it was fun to read this post. I love this whole blogging idea as I feel I've made contact with so many artists who are real and people worth knowing in a bloglandia way, anyway. We get to share so much of the big things in our lives. Glad to comment on your blog.

  8. y New year - And happy upcoming blogiversary!
