Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Creative Every Day: OWLS

Today I'm working on a new fabric design in gouache with a bright palette and owls....here is the work in progress:


  1. I love them. Owls are a fav of mine. I've never used the gouche paints. Are they easy?

  2. Anonymous5:52 PM

    Wow, that is fantastic! Can't wait to see the finished piece...:)

  3. We mostly use gouache for our textile design classes--sometimes watercolors--but mostly gouache. I like them because they are opaque--so you can paint one color over another without the color underneath showing.

  4. Oooo, I love owls. It is looking very nice.

  5. Oh, your owls are just wonderful! So bright and happy!

    I just love your blog! I reread your post on growing up in Alaska several times - what a remarkable childhood you had - and what great insights you have because of it.

  6. these owls are great! are you painting them directly on the fabric?

  7. Hi Leah! No I'm painting the owl design on paper. I'm currently a student at the California School Of Professional Fabric Design---and this is a design to eventually go into my professional textile and surface pattern design portfolio. The school is here: http://www.fabricschool.com/
    I love my classes and I'm enjoying creating my design portfolio. We create designs both by hand painting and on the computer with Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator.
