Friday, January 18, 2008

This Week: Creative Every Day?

My how a week can just fly by! here are some projects I have been working on this week ---all WIPs, none of them finished, but they are getting close.

First--2 drawings, done in pen and ink, with prisma color pencils and some gouache paints (on the mermaid) on archival cream color paper. I intend to put these two small original drawings for sale on my Etsy site when I finish them--so if you like them, do check back, or shoot me an e-mail.

(Please don't take these images and use them anywhere without my permission)

And on the needles, I have about 4 projects (if you count the cotton dish clothes), but here is a hat....
Can you tell I like color and repetitive patterns ?


  1. Beautiful works! I'm jealous of your drawing ability.

  2. I like the first drawing very much--it has a European feel to it. The hat is awesome! Love the patterning.

  3. Thanks everyone for your positive comments on my drawings--really they started as "doodles", and now I'm just finishing them up....

  4. Really like what you make. I checked out your etsy store too. Really cool stuff there.
