Friday, June 13, 2008

Join the Sewing Club!

I treasure these old Vintage Needle Cases..., some in the house when we moved in (my mother-in-law was a seamstress) and some flea market finds. They make me feel connected to all the women sewers and knitters who came before me...and they remind me of my grandmother and her sister--my Great Aunt Esther. My grandmother taught me to knit and make pie crust when I was about 8 or 9...and she always had home made cookies in her cookie jar on the kitchen counter (and you could always have one--even if it was right before dinner!).

Aunt Esther endeavored to teach me--the family "tomboy"---how to be a "little lady"---I'm afraid I flunked that lesson! ---and to stand up for what I believed was right. Aunt Esther always had the proper saying for the proper time or event---once she had me take off my torn jeans and while she mended them, she told me--"A stitch in time, saves nine." Another favorate saying she had--which I still say --was: "Don't borrow trouble."(---said if you expressed a worry about something that could possibly happen...) and if you were sarcastic or meanly criticized your baby sister--she would look at you and say, "You catch more flies with honey, than you do vinegar."

If they were alive today, they would happily attend my once a month Needlework Salon---Gram with her knitting, Aunt Esther with her mending.


  1. many thanks for your visit and the cue to creative everyday; i didn't know about it! looks like fun. love the pieces here, vintage is great!

  2. Oh! My mom had some of those needle folders. I remember how much I loved the purple foil inside the folder that held the needles in place! Maybe that's one of the reasons I still love to creat!

  3. Ah, things are getting closer to normal here and I've hardly picked up a needle all summer. Oh, well, there is time left.
