Thursday, October 30, 2008

Homesick for Alaska

my friend Bobby Lee's cabin

Sometimes I really miss Alaska--my birthplace, and my one true home. The 5 days I spent in Alaska this summer---at my 40th high school reunion--- was not enough time--plus I had my leg in a brace (from a broken knee cap) so I couldn't do much. I enjoyed re-connecting with old high school friends and classmates, but I didn't get any time in the wilderness.

I have been looking at my Alaskan photos--and decided to share some of the ones I really like here. I posted some of these about 3 years ago(!) when I first starting blogging...but I bet most of my readers now have not seen them. These are mostly from a wonderful 3 day kayak trip my sister and I took in Glacier Bay, in Southeast Alaska. Southeast Alaska is the largest rain forest in North America---and the forest there is very lush, with soft green moss and many many ferns.

We kayaked and camped for 3 days in the wilderness and did not see one other human the whole time--heavenly! We did see almost every wild animal that resided in the area though--including bears, whales, loons, many seabirds, coyotes, seals, moose, eagles, and sea otters. ...I felt like all my wild Alaskan friends were coming out to greet me. Alaska is really the last true great wilderness in North America---and I pray we will allow most of Alaska to stay wild---for "in wildness is the preservation of the world."

the trail to my sister's cabin

"Those who contemplate the beauty of the Earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts." ---Rachel Carson


  1. After seeing your pictures, I miss it even though I've never been there.

  2. I can see why you would miss it. Living in a metropolitan area like you are now is very different than these pictures. The idea of bears scares me. Even coyotes which we have a lot of here. I take a gun if I go walking by myself but I hope I never have to use it. Coyotes belong here more than I do.

  3. Anonymous5:23 AM

    My brother lives in Alaska. I've been to visit him twice. It is indeed such a magical place. Thank you for posting these wonderful photos. They remind me to make a plan. I can't wait to go back.
