Friday, October 03, 2008

Textile Design : I'll Fly Away

If you have read my blog before--you know I am a student---getting nearer and nearer to completion (!) at the California School of Professional Fabric Design in north Berkeley. We learn both hand-painted and computer generated pattern surface design. Our portfolios reflect both classical designs, and fresh ideas and current trends for an evolving marketplace.

This fabric design I completed recently--handpainted in watercolors, with pen outlines---is combination of tradition and classical (bamboo motifs) and a more contemporary loose style. I call this design "I'll Fly Away." Note: This design is copyrighted by me--and this scan of the handpainted design only shows a small portion of the design--not the whole design--which is much larger over all.

I'm sure some of you have noticed I have not been posting here very regularly lately. My life is still in a state of flux--but I moving next week into good permanent housing. Hopefully, I will not have to move again until I move to Portland, Oregon sometime next spring. So, once I am settled in and have my art studio set up, I will posting more often.

Moving from a big house to one small room and being forced to store about 95% of what I own in a storage locker has forced me to purge myself of some belongings--always a good thing to do! I found it interesting that this time I sold off some of my books and kept most of the art and craft supplies. Book are heavier to move around ---but also I think I was unconsciously choosing my artmaking over my love of books and bookselling. I always try to do to much, and from now on I want to concentrate on my creative side, and my art work---since creativity is what feeds my soul. What feeds your soul?


  1. I love "Fly Away"! Very pretty, and breezy.

    But you're moving to Portland??? *pout* Well, I'm glad I'll still be able to keep in touch through your blog.

  2. Anonymous5:46 PM

    That would be a lovely fabric!

  3. Wouldn't this look pretty in one of those tighter 1950's dresses? It's very pretty. Definitely a dress fabric - to me anyhow.

    From a big house to one room? That's tough. My son has lived that way since he left home and is quite tired of it but to go from big to small - wow. The art supplies have got to be kept. Books well, did you keep some? That's a really tough decision to make. Of course we always have the library for books to borrow but I don't think you can borrow art supplies - I know I don't share my brushes!
