Thursday, November 20, 2008

Soul Coaching, Day 19 : DYING TO LIVE


I like fires--in fact I love sitting around a campfire and just staring into the flames. For over 20 years I had a daily intimate relationship with fire--since I heated my house with wood heat, and had to daily build a fire and also "feed the fire" all day. So--I find it really odd that the Soul Coaching FIRE WEEK is not resonating with me at all.....

And today's subject: Facing Your Death/Embracing Your Life made me realize how much unfinished business I have in my life....


  1. I love the post title! I am with you 100% on this. I have too much to see and do...I am not ready to go! I love the art's full of life force and fire!

  2. Interesting to read your response to fire week - I think of myself as a water woman, and I was kind of left dry during water week. Maybe we are seeking what we lack or are unfamiliar with ...?

  3. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Great mandala! love the organic feel to it. That is so wild that you had to heat your house with fire--you do have quite the intimate relationship, don't you? I feel like you, I was really looking forward to fire week but so far have not been really thrilled at all (except with the Shadow self, that was pretty interesting for me).

  4. I'm trying to imagine that daily relationship with fire. That seems like such a connection to life, to me.

    If the week isn't resonating, just pass through the fire. Earth will be here soon enough :)

  5. "And today's subject: Facing Your Death/Embracing Your Life made me realize how much unfinished business I have in my life...."

    And that's awesome too! It's important to do things when you are ready, not when it's the next chapter in a book!

    For more inspiration on the topic I urge you to check out Sacred Suzie's post here :)

  6. Knowing you have unfinished business means you know your time is finite. Sounds like you've already learned this lesson. I don't know what this lesson was all about but fire is so many things. It's comfort and warmth, it's wild and terrifying, it's cleansing, it's deadly, it's beautiful... it's not well-tamed.
