Thursday, November 06, 2008

Up Clutter/Down Clutter

Soul Coaching : Day Five
Energy Up/Energy Down

I do believe that too much clutter (and messiness--but let's not even go there) does "pull you down" and steals your energy. So, de-cluttering is good---but that does not explain why I am so stuck right now with doing this.

I have a huge straightening up my room. Actually, my room is not really cluttered--just messy --- I pared down so much when I had to pack up everything I owned and move....that really--I do not have much here in my room that I would get rid of.

Here is one small area I de-cluttered---it is now an oasis of "up-clutter" (ie. an area that gives me energy because it is not cluttered) in my messy room.

and here is an example of "down clutter" (ie. clutter that pulls me down) Oh! I really hate this photo! The Virgo in me does hate clutter and messyness so....

So, I will commit to de-cluttering the space around my computer today. I hope you all have a good uncluttered day....and that fresh invigorating energy fills your life ;-)

Today's Quote: "Consider the postage stamp: its usefulness consists in the ability to stick to one thing till it gets there." ---Josh Billings


  1. Anonymous11:27 AM

    Your messy picture looks like my work table, too. A little of this, a little of that and together we get, nothing. Glad you made space for fresh energy to flow, yay!

    I love your quote at the end. Made me laugh!

  2. Anonymous12:06 PM

    I love your clever quote!

    Good luck in your decluttering today! Mine awaits me tonight after one child's play rehearsal and another's choral performance.

    Yes, being mom IS a job ;)

  3. Oh how glorious the top picture is! The colors and the flowers. So spectacular!

    Sometime clutter is a work in progress. :)

  4. Love today's quote! We are all being postage stamps on this 28 day journey...thanks for the reminder!

  5. With being down with the cold and the gut stuff and the new computer, I have such a dirty messy house, I hope to start on it tomorrow morning. You and me, babe!

  6. How beautiful you created an oasis, even in the midst of resistance. Congratulations :)

  7. I'm so glad you were brave enough to share the clutter photo! I know I have hated sharing my mess but before and after pictures can be quite liberating. You can do it!

  8. Oh, that looks like my worktable and it IS getting me down. I need to finish a project ASAP and don't want to as it's hard to make room. Yep, I need some serious de-cluttering. Your organized photo looks so refreshing.

  9. I love that you shared your clutter photo. I haven't been brave enough to share one of those. That whole "I am my home" complex.

    I wonder if it's possible to keep a creative work space clutter free? I try and try, but it always ends up with everything everywhere as I pull out this, that and the other while I'm creating. It's part of the process, isn't it? Hmmm... rather a conundrum...
