Saturday, November 15, 2008

Water Week : Day 14

"Who I am is enough, just as I am."

How many of us truly believe this--deep down inside? If we weren't all struggling with this concept---and how we feel about ourselves, would we be in this Soul Coaching online group?

Today is all about stepping out of the victim role---a good reminder for me. For many years now I have viewed myself as a survivor and thriver---and not a victim. However, the Day 14 exercises caused me to be aware of how I had subtly slipped into the "poor me--look at what he's done to me" victim role much of the time in the past 3 months.

Now that I see that--I can take steps to remove myself from that role, and return to being a thriver...all it takes is awareness and then re-framing my thinking.

Each tiny action cause ripples in the pond--spreading throughout my soul....

Today's Quote: "What is a soul? It's like electricity - we don't really know what it is, but it's a force that can light a room." ---Ray Charles


  1. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Yes! each time you become aware, that awareness grows until you move through your life mostly awake and very few times "unconscious". Good for you!

  2. A wonderful and empowering post, Aurora!

    love, light and peace,

  3. I agree - good on you for recognising the subtle change from survivor to victim. I know I do that a bit myself, or I go "I am wonderful, but it sucks this is happening to me" which is just as disempowering. I say we become thrivers!

  4. Beautiful pictures, important and beautiful thoughts!!!
