Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Giant Doily Rug

I had a brilliant idea as I looked at the box of yarn (which I had totally forgot I even owned). This was FAT yarn---I hardly ever knit with FAT yarn--but I had been hauling this yarn around since the 1970's ( I kid you not---the sorry pack rat that I am) precisely because I had dyed all this yarn back in the 70's with natural dyes....all those muted natural colors--so hard to part with....

but back to my brilliant idea---I could use this yarn to quickly crochet a rug--I say "quickly" because I crochet much faster than I knit---and then in a FLASH I saw it--a crocheted rug--with this fat yarn--using a lacy doily pattern would be DiffeRent and perhaps really kind of great looking upon my nice wood flooring...so I commenced. And guess what?? I think I was correct? What do you think???

Right now this is a WIP (work-in-progress)---and only about 1/3 finished--so do check back to follow this project as it grows and changes...and I will of course post a finished photo.


  1. This is so cool. It is nice to know that the yarn I dyed with natural mordants and cooked plants may be finding use somewhere! Good idea!

  2. Anonymous11:03 AM

    It's really pretty. Nice colors, too. But I'm really glad that I know that you don't wear stilettos, 'cause otherwise I'd worry...

    CSPFD is not the same w/o u. :-(


  3. I have actually done this twice in my 51 years. Both times the rugs started out as "I need to get rid of some of this yarn" and started crocheting and not too long later I had rugs which where about 5 feet across and very, very colorful. Loved them. Mine where strictly double crochet in a circle (which can start to look like a giant cat toy at times!)
