Thursday, June 04, 2009

Abundance Dream

I believe in abundance---that is---I believe that everything good is readily available. This morning I woke up from a dream with this phrase in my head: "Do what you love and the money will follow."

Then I saw myself making a page in my journal with this phrase which was resonating in my head, so I got the colored pencils from my suitcase and started drawing. For months now I have been adrift without a job, living on savings while I reconstructed my life and pursued the elusive perfect next chapter of my life.

Thank Goddess my friends and the universe threw a good summer job my way---in a few days I am off to a small town in Alaska---where I lived for many years in my youth---to work for the summer. I will be cooking (a chef!!) at the Laughing Raven Lodge for the guests and staff--a fun job, working with good friends---but also hard work. I have done this job before a few years ago--so I know what it entails. I will be living and working in Port Alexander on Baranof Island in Southeast Alaska until the end of August--then who knows?

I have put much energy out into the universe requesting and searching for a meaningful job---because at this stage of my life a job is no longer about the $$$ money, it is about doing something meaningful that gives back to my community---and I do not doubt that a new door will open and I will step through it into my next adventure.

"When nothing is sure, everything is possible." ~Margaret Drabble. For several months now this has been my motto---I have tried to stay open to all the possibilities, rather than fall into despair each time I applied for a job and was rejected. Of course, I was living in Portland, Or---a state that is second in the nation in unemployment---where a job is advertised and 6oo people apply. Talk about fierce competition! I am glad to be going to Alaska to work awhile and feel blessed to be graced with this job.

I have stored 99% of my belongings in storage locker--freeing me up to go anywhere the next escapade leads me. After moving all my stuff--down one flight of stairs (no elevator) and up 3 flights (freight elevator) and stowing it all away, I wanted to sell most of the stuff---all my books, artwork, furniture, shelves etc. and take the $$$ and hit the road as a travelin' gypsy. Who needs all that stuff anyway?? Memories are what count---not material possessions.

"Do what you love"---? well, I do love Alaska--my first home, and I love cooking (and eating!)so, for now, this job fits the bill...I will be blogging from my trusty new refurbished and very portable Macbook about my Alaskan please stay tuned!


  1. Anonymous12:33 PM

    oooo, can't wait to be a sidekick on your little adventure. Good luck and great blessing on your newest path.
    Peace~ Dawn

  2. I'm a converted to Mac person. In fact a friend and I were chatting this morning and I wouldn't have any other now. I always feel sadness for the people who don't realize a house is just 4 walls. Your home is your heart. It is what lives there that is important! Your post said it so well. I love Alaska too, but not as much as you do. For me the last piece of the puzzle was when I learned my grandmother was born in a mining camp in the mountains of Colorado. It was the missing piece as to why I feel this is my land! It is the land of my heart, and mind and blood.

    Whoa, waxing way to something there, but it is true. Home is where you are the most !

  3. Anonymous8:27 PM

    What great spirit. Carry on my Friend, you've had many lives, friends and adventures. Don't burn the tea kettle ...I'll listen for your whistle. Sweet dreams.
    ~Nancy Q
