Monday, June 08, 2009

World Oceans Day Today!

I worked over 20 years on the Pacific Ocean--in fact, you might say I owe everything I have today to the ocean because of this work : commercial fishing off the Alaskan coast. One doesn't spend that many years on the ocean without developing a healthy respect for it, plus an awareness of how much our planet depends on healthy oceans.

The oceans are our planet's life blood : they generate most of the oxygen we breathe, help feed us, help to regulate our climate, and clean the water we drink. Today is WORLD OCEANS DAY and I urge everyone to stop and think how you are contributing to the healthy preservation of our oceans.

"The concept for World Oceans Day was proposed in 1992 by the Government of Canada at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro and it had been unofficially celebrated every year since then. Official designation by the U.N. is a significant step in conserving and protecting our world's oceans. World Oceans Day provides an opportunity each year to celebrate our world ocean and our personal connection to the sea. As of 2009, "World Oceans Day" has been officially declared by the United Nations as June 8th each year!"

Please take a moment to celebrate the power of the oceans in your life today...


  1. I saw a neat scientmentary on TV last night about inside of planet earth. Gee it was good. You've got to respect our oceans, I'm with you on that one.

  2. Thank you for posting this - I didn't know that the UN had made the day official. I love the oceans! I spent the first half of my life near the Pacific and Atlantic and have really missed them so much living in landlocked places like the middle of Washington State and then Austria during the second half. I always try to go and at least say hello whenever I'm on the West or East Coast. You are lucky to be so close!
