Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Mottoes for Life

My personal mottoes change fairly often--but this summer my motto has been the one you see here---I made this sign for the kitchen after on particularly hectic day. One member of our crew had a fairly serious accident (cut off the tip of his finger), the resident toddler was fussy and under foot, I got behind on my preps and the oven quit in the middle of baking oven fries for dinner...

the next day I sat down and painted this sign, and just having it in the kitchen has served as a great reminder....

what is your current favorite motto????


  1. Lord, keep me free from the tyranny of having too much stuff.

  2. Slow decisions are good decisions

  3. It is not evident on your page where to make comments once there are comments already, at least for those of us that don't do this often.
