Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Lists: to do


  1. Anonymous10:32 AM

    I wish my to-do lists looked as pretty as yours! and I hope you get a job that affords you to do all of them;)

  2. Hello Aurora,

    I'm in search of a job too. Hang in there! Love your ToDo list. "When" I list, I have a column I can check -- it's titled "TaDa!"


  3. Cute list...I hope a great job comes your way soon! Keep an eye out for craft supply swaps in your area! Also nose aroung the thrift store, I have scored unopened yarn for 25 cents before....I have also heard of people frogging (sp)..buying a sweater from the thrift and unraveling it...shoot I am one of those people, except it was a sweater that I had knitted years ago that didn't fit together right..unraveled and turned into something new and beautiful!

  4. I love your visual to-do list! I like doing lists like this too. Much for fun to look at. :-)

    I like EmandaJ's idea of having a Ta-Da! column! :-)
