The ruminations of an artist on art & quilts, beading, knitting, drawing, painting, printmaking, bookmaking are all my passions, I love to explore creating....

Thursday, November 12, 2009

B is for BROOCH

brooch, noun.
an ornamental pin having the point fastened by a catch; broach. Brooches are often made of gold, silver, or with jewels. Originally brooches were worn as a fastening for clothing.

These BROOCHES were fun to make---a nice "scrap buster"--a way to use up small left-over bits of colorful yarns...and very quick to crochet up!!!- I sewed a pinback to each one so they can be pinned onto your sweater, coat or hat to add some cheer....

I may make a few of these to sell on ETSY...I was thinking green and red ones for the holiday season would be fun...


Granny Smith said...

These are beautiful shown together like this.

Kelly said...

These are so sweet!

Unknown said...

ooh, these brooches are gorgeous!!
I feel like making brooches too :D

Jennifer said...

Oooh Yes!
I love these!
I'll be watching for the holiday editions on Etsy.


Judy Hartman said...

So, so pretty!!

Nadya said...

These are adorable - and what a fun way to use up scraps!
I just finished reading my friend Ellie's 'One Handful of Earth' (novel featuring a Scotts healer/midwife during the Higland Removals) & I can just see 'Bella' fastening her shawl with something similar