The ruminations of an artist on art & quilts, beading, knitting, drawing, painting, printmaking, bookmaking are all my passions, I love to explore creating....

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

"A" plus!

In an effort to add some needed structure to my blog---and to spur me on to post more often, I am now going with a theme: the alphabet

so today is brought to you by the letter A

A is for ART!!!! and ARTIST and ARTISTIC and ARTFUL

Today's thought : "I don't really know why I draw (or paint); it is just what I do....."


Rowena said...

I particularly like the second one. The colors are great and the ornamental feel.

Sharon said...

Very nice. I especially like the first one. Maybe because it reminds me of a quilt. It would make a nice one.

Carole Baker said...

Both of these are delightful. I love the colors on the second one.... That's an accordion moleskine isn't it? Good idea, the ABC theme.

Carole Baker said...

I looked again and see its not an accordion with those rounded corners... the color looks like one.