Saturday, January 16, 2010

N is for Needles

Knitting Needles, of course! and on my needles right now I have these various knitting projects:

a red vest...

a pair of wool & silk socks...

a wool mitten...this pair of childrens mittens is destined for the Afghans for Afghans project...since they are currently collecting handknit items for children ages 7-14.

a "scrappy" striped scarf...thriftedly using up my yarn a fun simple lace pattern I adapted for this scarf...

and a sweater (for Kesia) --also using up scraps...this is the back of the sweater--this sweater very close to rather randomly knit with all types of yarn--wools, angora, alpaca, mohair...

If I poked through my closets more, I probably have a few more small projects on some needles..but these are the ones I am actively working on....this week I mostly knit on the sock...

I keep my tables loaded with knitting and needlework so I don't have to dust them...if I knit fast enough does it count as aerobic exercise?

1 comment:

  1. Reminds me of all the paintings, books, and prints half done. Your projects are all beautiful.... I love the socks
