Friday, February 26, 2010

Textile Design School

As some of you readers may know (and some may not...) I am a student at the California School of Professional Fabric Design in Berkeley, Ca. I am finishing up a design portfoilio that includes, among the many original designs, traditional textile designs--like this one...a traditional Jacquard design. This one is designed to be printed on fabric, rather than woven as Jacquards frequently are produced. This is the color rough for the handpainted design which is 18" x 24"---I am currently painting this in gouache; a lovely monotone in creams.

At the school we are learning many techniques for hand painted designs, as well as computer aided designing. The designs are surface pattern designs, and can be used on textiles, wallpaper, stationary, wrapping paper, rugs, dishes--any object that has an illustration or design on it.

In completing this school program I am following a dream I have had since I was in my teens----I have always wanted to design surface patterns for fabrics and paper goods, but never knew where to go to learn the process. Then, I discovered through a friend — this school right where I live---here in North Berkeley!

I plan to find work as a designer when I finish. I would love to work full time for a company who prefers me to create handpainted designs. I enjoy creating on the computer, but I love painting — it’s my ambition to get paid to design and paint all day ;-)

ah! and I also believe that ...way will open...when the time is right. Meanwhile, back to painting...

1 comment:

  1. good design...
    apt for being on the fabric...
    may your dream be fulfilled...
