Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Road Trippin'....

Ah! see this beach behind us? nice clean waves? I can't help but think of the Gulf Of Mexico on the East Coast...and how it was once as lovely and pristine...

Thank Goddess the California Gov'ner has now declared off shore drilling of California to be off seems our country has had its environmental wake up call--are you listening Congress??

so here we are on our "road trip"--we drove up the Northern California coast and then up the Oregon Coast. The last day it was very rainly with hardly any visibility--so we headed inland to Portland earlier than we had planned....but all-in-all it was a great trip.

I'm still more later!.....check back....


  1. Glad you are enjoying yourself.

    I've been to Carpenteria Beach several times with my sister and we would complain about stepping on all the "tar". It would be all over the place especially by the rocky area where it'd get trapped. Now I know where that stuff came from - the oil rig right off the coast there! Evidently small amounts leaking don't rate the news.

  2. Loved your beach photo. I looked at it and thought Oregon Coast. :)

    I have felt very blessed to live in the Pacific Northwest and have our beaches that people care about protected. We have to stay vigilant and make sure that the all mighty dollar doesn't win the day and sway our leaders into bad choices.

    Oh and the rain??? It feels like March and not almost Summer. Goodness gracious!!

    cheers, Stephanie (CED)

