The ruminations of an artist on art & quilts, beading, knitting, drawing, painting, printmaking, bookmaking are all my passions, I love to explore creating....

Monday, December 25, 2006

Movin' On...

"There are two different kinds of people in this world: those who finish what they start, and" 
---Brad Ramsey

Ok--it is the day after Christmas now! WE ARE OVER IT and movin' wait! we still have New Year's Eve and New Year's day! will it never end? Just celebration after celebration--which is why I call it the Holidaze.

I have resolved (this is not my new year's resolution--I will bloggin about that later in the week;-) to use this week to clean my office/art studio, clean out files and cabinets, set up new files for the New Year and wrap up any loose ends. Also, in all this whirlwind of end-of-the-year cleaning--I will clean up and organize the art studio space--which looks right now like a hurricane hit it. Start 2007 with an organized studio! wow!

This is also a time when I finish up those needlework projects I started months ago like these socks, the heels are turned, not far to go..

And this VERY UNFINISHED art quilt---I call this one ARTIST'S BRAIN, note that in the brain forefront is the word PROCRASTINATION, while at the back of the brain--near the neck-- the largest section is CREATIVITY, and below that a brain portion titled PERSEVERANCE, well I'm going to persevere this week.....


The Lone Beader® said...

Wow! The artist's brain is fascinating!! =:)

Anonymous said...

I agree with the LB - I totally love that artist's brain quilt. I think if I did one to reflect my brain the doubt and procrastination sections would have to be bigger ;)

Those socks look great too

Anonymous said...

what about my it on that finish up list too?
what..i think we are going on 4 years almost of waiting for my yarn patch knitted sweater, no?>
nonetheless, i love you with all your creative abilities and unfinishing touches of your life---it whats make you who you are!