The ruminations of an artist on art & quilts, beading, knitting, drawing, painting, printmaking, bookmaking are all my passions, I love to explore creating....

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Fabric Inchies!

My friend Kari--from Sitka, Alaska--came for a visit and to play in my studio---we made fabric INCHIES! only ours are "inchie +" because we made ours 1.5" x 1.5" ---instead of 1 inch by 1 inch---so we call them "inchie plus" or "plus size inchies" or just "PSI"....
These were a fun quick project---here are some of mine--or the ones I have finished so far...I'm planning to sew pinbacks on these---and presto! instant holiday gifts ;-)

For those who are wondering--an "inchie" is a 1" x1" (or 1.5" x 1.5") fiber square which you can embellish any way you want. This is great way to use up all those tiny bits of interesting fabrics and papers you just could not throw away. Then pull out your fun beads, buttons, and other trims and embellish away.

For great directions on how to make these--via the Quilting Arts Magazine website-- go here and scroll down--the directions area pdf file available for free.

Besides pins--I can think of so many other ways to use these---on a bag or purse as an accent, or even on a sweater. How about ear rings? or a colorful mobile to hang above a baby crib? they are fun to trade with other artists, also...anyone want to trade? just e-mail me.....


"The single clenched fist lifted and ready,
Or the open hand held out and waiting.
For we meet by one or the other."
----Carl Sandburg


The Beading Gem said...

These are so cool! You should definitely make earrings and pendants besides brooches. They really are one of a kind.

Regina said...

Your inchies are so pretty. Beautiful work!

Jessicah said...

Your inchies are lovely! I've seen them all clustered together on a charm bracelt- they look lovely together, but I like to appreciate them individually too! Will be trying them out!

Normajean said...

I'm Normajean Brevik the artist who wrote the article about Plus Size Inchies in Quilting Arts Magazine. You might be interested to know why I call them Plus Size Inchies or PSI's (as I coined the term. VBG). Yes they are a little bigger (1 1/2" sq) than an Inchies but also because the name of my Yahoo Group is called, Fiber Art Traders or F.A.T. for short. And what do F.A.T. ladies create???? PLUS SIZE INCHIES of course. :-) You and your friends are welcome to join us at FAT for even more trading fun.
Hugs, Normajean Brevik

Julie Ann Rachelle Interior Design said...

Are you only trading fabric inchies?

Anonymous said...

I am intrigued by the fabric inchies!! The only problem is that I cannot find definitive directions on how to make them. I have searched the Quilting Arts stuff and cannot find the directions you mentioned. Please help. I would LOVE to make these!!
Terri in NC

trish said...

I hail from ON. CA. I love your little pins. Well done!

nylon spandex fabric said...

cute followers,thank you for share,good post

Lynne said...

I like the art quilted inchies. They would make wonder bands for the wrist.