Thursday, May 22, 2008

Hope in Many Ways

Hi Everyone!
ok--I have been away--in fact I was in Portland, Oregon and lucky enough to see Barack Obama speak--along with about 75,000 Oregonians! quite the event---so many people, and the sense that I was participating in are some photos of the crowd and of the folks listening to him speak from their boats and kayaks (so Northwest!) --the event was on the waterfront (along the Willamette river). [sorry--my camera is not co-operating--and I can't upload my photos of this--so I will add them later]

After waiting for hours in the 15 block-long line, we found a seat in the shade and listened to the greatest orator America has had on the campaign trail in my life time--he had no notes and no tele-prompter--but he spoke with insight, daring, passion and hope and the crowd cheered and cheered. He talked about his health plan ( health care for everyone), education, the environment, getting out of the war---he covered it all. He also praised Portland's excellent mass transit system and bicycle lanes.

At one point, one of the 75,000 shouted an expression of love at Obama. "I love you, too," he replied. I must say--this gives me HOPE.

And here are FINALLY the photos of the Utah Phillips co-operative healing blanket. Folksinger, song writer and story teller Utah Phillips is a NATIONAL TREASURE.

In the words of Christopher Dunne, Utah Phillips is "one of the most interesting and creative men I have come across. Described by himself as the Golden Voice of the Great Southwest, he is described by others as a true eclectic, archivist, historian, activist, philosopher, hobo, tramp, member of the IWW, and just about everything in between. Utah's memory contains a wide ranging wealth of lore, which he lets us romp through by way of his shows and recordings. U. Utah Phillips is a nationally known folk artist, singer/story teller, Grammy Award Nominee for his work with Ani Difranco, and hosts his own weekly radio show - Loafer's Glory: The Hobo Jungle of the Mind. "

Recently Utah has been diagnosed with congestive heart failures, so he can no longer tour or host his radio show--you can read all about this on his blog here, and you can order his wonderful CDs of songs and storytelling here.

I finished the blanket---(I crocheted all around each hand knit square, and then sewed all the squares together, then added a crocheted edging) and we drove up to Nevada City (with
some friends) and gave the blanket to Utah. He was in good spirits,
talkative (as always) but seemed frail and easily tired. We stayed
quite awhile --he told stories, and Larry Hanks and Ray Bierl played and
sang a few songs. Utah also talked about some old songs and even sang
us a few. We all had a good time! and he loved the blanket and
admired it....

so-- many thanks (!!!) are due to all the knitters:
Ceci Marker
Ceci's friend Laura
Kate Brislin
Kerry Parker
Debra Kalmon
Sharon Noel
Susan Weiss
Katie Hambly
Lisa Hubbell
Irene Herrmann
Marnie Potter

Thanks so much for helping to make this "healing blanket" for Utah Phillips!
Many hugs to you all!

Today's quote:

"Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul,
And sings the tune--without the words,
And never stops at all..."
---Emily Dickinson


  1. What a lovely post about Utah. I will most certainly be back to visit you again soon.

  2. Nice Story! I'm new here and I must say that I'm impressed by your content. I own a mens fashion blog so I know how it is to come up with fresh content. Keep the stories coming.
