Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Ghana Craft Markets and Kente Cloth #1

While in Kumasi we visited a Ghana Craft Market with out guide, "Mr. Charles." In this compound many artisans were actively creating and selling their beautiful crafts. I wandered around and took some photos---since I am always fascinated by fellow crafters and their process. I purchased a lovely basket, some beaded jewelry, and other crafts as gifts to take home--including a colorful strip of Kente Cloth.

a basket maker---showing a basket in progress

these beautitful young women wanted me to take their photo with the basket--which they were selling

here I am--with the basket I purchased (great for storing yarn in or taking to the Farmer's Market) and a sculpture that was in the compound.

there were wood carvers at work

and ART! everywhere we went in Ghana artists were selling their art---mostly on unframed canvas---I really liked much of it--but was relunctant to ask to photograph an artist's work, if I wasn't planning on purchasing it, so didn't get many photos of the great art I saw. These two large paintings were public art--on the side of a building, so I snapped a few shots of them.

And then I saw my first Kente Cloth artisan at work...I must say that the fabric designer in me was fascinated by all the great fabrics I saw--and the Kente Cloth was no exception---I took numerous photos.

Kente Cloth is woven on a narrow horizontal loom. The loom usually uses four heddles, but sometimes has more. The cloth is woven in narrow strip that is about 3-5 inches wide and about 5-6 feet long. Several strips are sewn together to make a wider piece of cloth for both men and women.

a strip of black and white Kente Cloth on the loom

later we visited a wonderful place in a small village where many Kente Cloth weavers worked and sold their cloth--so check back tomorrow for a colorful treat! as I really did take many photos;-)

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