Saturday, May 02, 2009

Owl Stitching

For over a year now images of owls have attracted me...I even purchased a lovely special vintage OWL cook jar from Etsy...totally an impulse buy---but every Grandma needs a cookie jar, right?

So --when I needed to embroider a sample or two for my beginning embroidery class--(today!!! 3 to 5 pm at TWISTED here in Portland, OR) I naturally designed and embroidered --guess what? an OWL of is a close up of the owl (below)--this is done with just 3 embroidery stitches: stem stitch, French knot, and chain stitch...with a few straight stitches thrown in..very simple, but fun!

so, do stay tuned...more images of owls to come....!


  1. I have a small collection of owls. They are fun to collect and always look so mysterious. I particularly enjoy pygmy and burrowing owls.

  2. yes, i'm a fan of owls too! not sure why, but i love em!

  3. I love your owl! Interestingly, I've also been attracted to owl lately. Probably because of their association with Widsom. :)

  4. This is really pretty and I like that it's a bright blue owl, so cheery!
