Sunday, November 22, 2009

G is for Gratitude

Gratitude has been my theme this month---since it is the month we give thanks as a nation on Thanksgiving Day. (Giving thanks is a form of gratitude.) For years I have kept a journal--more a doodling and art ideas journal than a writing journal--but most days I do write a page of my "gratitudes" in my journal. I just list everything in my life I am grateful for and even if I have had a very bad day this process restores my sense of well-being.

I also have been trying to foster a new habit--when I feel grateful toward someone else --for whatever reason--I try to express it either verbally or by writing them a thank you note.
"Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it"(---William Arthur Ward.) I have discovered the more I express my gratitude, the more grateful I feel.

I believe our mostly greedy culture here in America could benefit greatly from all of us forming the habit of exspressing our gratitudes on a daily basis. What are you grateful for?

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely post :) I have been trying to let others know when I am thankful or appreciative. I have mailed more cards in the last month than I have all year : 0
    I am thankful for my family, my friend, and the blogging world.

    Hope you have a wonder-filled week.
