Monday, June 27, 2011

Babie Quilts and Grandbabies

Here is sneak peek #2 of Arams' quilt-in-progress.  I must say--I am not really a quilter--I just end up creating quilts by default because a special occassion requires one and/or a daughter wants me to "make a quilt with her" and I end up sewing it (while she cuts the fabric). I am no seamtress....I like to sew but much the same as with my knitting I mostly don't use patterns--but alter clothing---or if I use a sewing pattern I alter the pattern. I'm not much a linear thinker so complicated quilt patterns just confuse me. I thought a strip quilt would be easy though and it proved to relatively uncomplicated.

This is a true "patchwork" quilt in the sense that I just used green and blue quilt cottons I had already had (thanks to my traveling friend Carol --who gave me a good deal of her green and blue quilt fabric stash before she took off to travel the world...) instead of going out a buying fabrics that were all coordinated.  I like designing a quilt buy buying fabrics--but it is a different process than creating a quilt top just using your fabric stash.

At any rate here is Aram's quilt top--minus the border(s) which I have yet to design and sew on....seems a fun start though and his Auntie Serenity and I had fun getting this far along with it...

and here is my new grandbaby Aram with his brother Jasper and his Pappa. Welcome Aram Adrian Micheletti to our family---may he enjoy this quilt....

Our family has been blessed with 2 babies this month...Aram born June 5th and now Caden born June 22nd! yupp!  two grandsons in one month! Here is Caden--about an hour old....I watched him arrive since I was invited to be present at his birth. All babies and parents are doing great....

                             welcome Caden Asher Gray to our family...

(Scroll down to see the blog post about Caden's quilt.....)

  After all, Our lives are like quilts - bits and pieces, joy and sorrow, stitched with love.


  1. Anonymous8:59 PM

    his quilt is amazing! thank mom for doing this for number two. can't wait to see you! kes

  2. Congratulations on two new grandbabies! The quilt is lovely - reminds me of the colors of water as they shift.

