Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Fabric Journal

I have started a visual fabric journal-- well the journal is sewn--but I am mixing paper and fabrics on each page. The paper is all my own designs---mostly small "roughs" from my fabric design classes (visit the design school here)--in color palettes I ended up not using, or designs I haven't completed. I wanted to create a textile "sample book" or "swatch book" with some of my designs--and so far this is the result. I used grommets and ribbon for the binding. Here the large flowers in purples and green on the pink background are my design--painted in gouache. I eventually chose a very different palette to use with this design.

The left page here is part of a of a flower design I created in Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop, and the right page has part of a design painted in watercolors with inked linework (midpage).

On this page the orange arrows on lavender are my design--painted in gouache.

Here the left side is part of a "doodled" design--but I used a very different color palette for the finished design. I drew this in black and white, then scanned it into the computer and colored it in Photoshop. On the right, the dark gold, brown, and red design is another "doodle"--never used. The nice thing about the ribbon/grommet binding is that I can easily add pages as I make them since this is an on-going journal.


  1. Anonymous5:54 PM

    wow mom that is by far one the coolest ideas you've had thus far.
    Keep artifying your life...since I don't have time to create right now I am living through you and your posts.
    Love you

  2. I love this! So this is paper and fabric pieces sewn together? Very cool!

  3. yes Jennifer--it is both paper and fabrics sewn together--easy to do on the machine--i just zigzaged around the edges to finish off the edge--fine if you like that raggedy look...

  4. Thanks for your comment on my blog :) I love your stuff, for the lack of a better word :) Especially the watercolor outlined in black of what look like cherry-blossoms. So pretty!

  5. Well, it sounds like you are having a great artsy time! Beadwork is more time intensive so I can understand when you have lots of interests and ideas it can be set aside. My beadwork is a good month behind (my bedspread/quilt has really gone to rags so I am now busy making another, need to start xmas socks, cards and I really could use some sweaters). Why can't we have more hours for crafting in the day?? Suggestions for the beading: I try to fit in at least one row or shape or... each day. Then I feel like I am at least getting somewhere and sometimes it stretches to a bit more done than I expect.

  6. This will be a great reference for you as you go on ward with school, too!

  7. Oh, these book is beautiful! And so good to have a own book for ideas you alreadt done or will do!
