Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Stitch Sampler Revisited

My brother lives in our family home in Alaska--my grandfather built the house, and after my grandparents died and my Mom was a widow she lived there. Recently my brother sent me this stitch sampler he found--something I made in the late 1970's (! ) and gave to my Mother. It was the time I think of as my "lace period" because I had this great book LACE by Virginia Bath (now long out of print), and I spent one whole long cold, dark Alaskan winter exploring the techniques of needle lace.

The most interesting aspect of this sampler to me--was to see the palette I choose back then--I am still attracted to these colors today and use them frequently in my creations. What a strange blast for the past. And, yes, it is sooo seventies ;-)

Here is the book--if you ever see a used copy for sale--buy it! I taught myself needle lace using this book and created some large pieces of needle lace---all long gone out of my life, but I still use the techniques I learned.

"At the birth of a child, if a mother could ask a fairy godmother to endow it with the most useful gift, that gift should be curiosity." -- Eleanor Roosevelt

1 comment:

  1. The nice thing about the 70's for crafting is how uncommercial it all was. I remember having to really search for the supplies that are too mass produced today. I look at all the stuff in stores like Michael's and can't figure out how anyone could afford to buy what you now "need" for scrapbooking or other crafts. I remember making my sister a macramed purse with hardware string and a few wooden beads. (Turned out pretty nice too!)
