Sunday, March 20, 2011

New ART and the Hat WINNER!!!!

I have been ill and so I am remiss in holding the drawing for a HAT hand knit by me. Feeling much better now and so pulled a name out of the hat ;-) and the WINNER IS: ROSEMARY! thanks you Rosemary for your kind comment here, I hope you enjoy the hat!

I wanted the share with folks one of two painting I created for my Grandson's room---when he turned 2 last August I painted two painting for his room. Well, technically, these are more drawings than paintings--since they are created with pen and ink and prisma colored pencils.

One is already framed and hung up and I am shipping this one off this week (why that is so delayed is another whole story...suffice it to say that I suffer from STARTITIS when it comes to projects...not from "end-it-is"). Each painting contains a surprise in the randomness of the alphabet....(hint: what is my Grandson's name?). These were really fun to create.

here is a close up of the little birdie in the tree....

I am currently working on a few more children's designs....zoo animals and so check back.


  1. This is so cute, and I love how it is especially made for your son.

  2. I love the owl in the hollow :-)

    Drat! I could have perhaps won a handmade hat, if I had been paying closer attention :-)

    Hope you're well by now? I'm going to go look thru your other recent posts now, to get caught up a little!
