Sunday, March 27, 2011

Vintage Quilt as wallcovering...

I recently moved from one to room to a (larger!!:-) room in my co-op household. One large blank wall had numerous holes and really needed spackling and re-painting...but I didn't want to spend my time (right now anyway) doing decided to hang a vintage quilt on the wall.

Turns out--it looks great !!! --really brightens up the room and I get to look at all the great vintage fabrics in the quilt every day.

the quilt top was sewn my one of my father's ancestor's--maybe my Grandmother? and my Mother added the backing and quilted it by hand with some of her friends.

I just love the vintage fabrics in this quilt!

the quilt provides a nice back drop to my computer design area....


  1. This quilt makes a beautiful background for you. Dresden plate is the first quilt that I ever made and I still love it.

  2. I love quilts and vintage Dresden Plate quilts have a special place in my heart. It was my grandmother's handiwork that got me started in quilting.


  3. What a treasure to have, and such a wonderful way to display it! nancy

  4. great way to dress up a wall and cover flaws. looks like a beautiful old quilt in great condition.
